
As Neredæus, the adder, loomed closer to me I pulled out my flute and played a slow, quiet tune. The adder's head swayed back and forth slowly, with the music. "I have never heard that inztrument before, I have never heard zuch melodiez played by a fox," said Neredæus softly."I wonder what you tazte like, I juzt have to get pazt your ztaff and your zaber!" At that moment, another adder slithered in. "Well fox, it'z been nize knowing you, but now you muzt depart to Dark Forezt G...zzzzzziiiiikkkkk" The second adder's head fell to the ground, oozing a strange colored blood. "Finally," Neredæus said. "zomeone haz ridded me of my ztupid zizter, whom allwayz makez potential friendz dizappear to the depthz of eternity, I have long waited for the one with a poizonouz z..." A third adder came and slammed its heavy body, soon to be carcass on top of Neredæus, fatally cracking his spine.