
Later that evening, about an hour after I chased off those moles, I had another visitor. It was a marlfox. I had always thought that they were just some legend that came from a very creative mind. Out of thin air, another marlfox appeared. Both of them wore large brownish-green cloaks. The first one, apparantely a male, spoke,"Who are you, friend...or foe," "I cannot answer that question, for I do not know who you are, or what you are," The other marlfox, who was female, said,"We are marlfoxes, and we cannot tell you who we are until you state whether you are friend or foe." "Well, you can join me for dinner, and make you descion as to whether I am friend or foe." After dinner, the male marlfox said, "We haven't had such a filling dinner in weeks," "I think that you are a friend, not a foe," said the female simultaneously. "I am Nirid, and this is my brother Julupœ." "And I, am Darkvale the Wanderer." I was convnced I had some travelling companions, until later that year, they tragicly were drowned by some big otters. Boy, am I getting tired of this.