Durran Bloodbather
Life Story

I cannot remember exactly where I was born, or even my parents, as I was captured at a young age by sea vermin. They made me a galley slave at a young age, building my strength and sealing their fates, for my hatred for them was intense. Eventually, bit by painstaking bit, I chewed my way through the shackles that bound me to my oar, and slaughtered the Slavemaster with them. Breaking my way through the hull of the ship, I swam away from the ship, but returned to drown the captian myself with my own two paws on a second thought. I then swam for countless hours, avoiding strange behemoths of the sea, untill I reached a small chain of islets. Here I lived for much of my life with the local population of tiny fuzzy mice things (shrews, I think) who taught me to survive, forge and use weapons, and stalk other beasts silently. Of late, however, I grew bored of such shrew things and built a vessel, which my companion Gubblar the Scholar traveled with me on, teaching me ways ! of grammar and proper manners. A vengeful load of survivors from my memorable escape had somehow built a ship, found me, and tracked us (over water, mind you), eventually causing our wreck off this very coast , where I now am. I believe you know the rest.