Duskdream Twilight
A Rose Has Thorns: Chapter One

Midnight Myst, the mysterious silver and black fox who called herself a seer, snuck off into the winter night. Half frozen and half dead as she was, she realized she had to make it to shelter. Her clothes in rags and blood streaming down her face and arms, she HAd to make it to shelter. Then she saw lights ahead. Warm lanterns. She scrambled along hastily, too hastily because she fell face down in the snow. Too tired to get up. Too tired to move. Maybe she could just lie there and go to sleep. She closed her eyes. She saw dark forests gates opening. But then, in a flash a new vision came to her. Sitting in a room with warm lanterns glowing and an open fire in the hearth, many goodbeasts sat around. Talking and laughing, they ate thick vegetable stew and drank steaming cups of spiced wine. Then she heard a voice. It was her own voice, as it spoke to her and told her what to do. "Go there. Save yourself, idiot. Darkforest is twelve seasons away!" Rising slowly, Midnight Myst hobbled over to the lights. It was redwall abbey. The beasts she had seen were in cavern hole. Surely they would help a poor fox such as herself, unarmed as she was!