Kauejika Frettchen
Tales of Rizkah: Chapter One

Rizkah silently hid behind a barrel holding some apples. She stared intently at the rat, Fangface, as he sat near the camp fire getting ready to eat his share of food. Rizkah licked her lips as if hungered, but not for bread. She was hungry for blood. Fangface was always a very sneaky chap, and Rizkah didnt like him one bit. That was why she was so eager to take up Vercau's mission to watch over Fangface and make sure he didnt do anymore funny buisness. Fangface seemed a little anxious, and kept looking over his shoulder. One by one, the others at the camp fire began to shift to there tents, ready for sleep. Fangface didnt budge. About three minutes later, an extremely ugly looking stoat sat down next to Fangface. Rizkah shifted closer towards the fire so she could hear better. "So Fangface...I have the information you need." the ugly stoat said, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Ahh...Tell me now, Mercor!" Fangface sneered. Mercor winced. "My friend Thugglief cut a small hole in Vercau's tent this morning. You should be able to fit through it and easily get into Vercau's tent. Then you could steal some more stuff." The stoat said, grinning evily. "I will give you half of what I steal remember? You have served me well. Go now." Fangface smiled to himself as Mercor scampered off with a greedy twinkle in his eyes. Gingerly, Fangface aimed an arrow at the stoat and let it fly. The stoat died without a sound. Fangface ruefully got up and dragged the stoats carcass away, and threw it over the cliffs edge. He chuckled. "Now its time for me to give Vercau a night time visit..." Fangface headed of sneakily in the direction of Vercau's tent. Rizkah stiffened slightly, and then swiftly yet stealthily, she followed after Fangface, always keeping just a little ahead of him. She waited on a slight ledge, right where the hole in Vercau's tent was and quickly prepared her snaring net. Fangface trotted up next to the hole, and snickered quietly with a knowingness that he going to win. Boy, was he wrong! Just as Fangface was about the head into the hole, Rizkah dropped her snaring net on top of the idiotic rat. "I have been watching you, Fangface. You shouldve guessed that you were under watch." Rizkah smiled evily and proceeded to tie up the end of the net and drag him to Vercau. Just as Rizkah started to head towards the entrance to Areso's tent, Fangface sneered "I did think of that Rizkah. HELP!" Fangface yelled. Out of the shadows, an albino ferret pounced on to Rizkah's back. Rizkah yowled her outrage, and threw the ferret off of her and began to rip his back out with her claws. The ferret screamed and tried to run, but Rizkah was much faster. She ran right up behind the ferret and chopped of its head with one swipe of her deadly sword."Nice try, Fangface." Rizkah growled. Fangface winced as Rizkah dragged him into Vercau's tent. Rizkah could feel Fangface trembling like mad as she dumped him in front of Vercau. Rizkah got down on one knee and bowed. "The betrayer, m' lordship. What do you wish me to do with him?" Rizkah asked, standing up again. Vercau smiled at Fagface and then looked up at Rizkah. "Rizkah, my dear, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Vercau said, trying to win Rizkah over with flattery. Rizkah growled. "Too many a time. Tell me what to do to the betrayer." Rizkah ordered. Vercau just smiled. "Do what you wish." Vercau commanded. Rizkah smiled at the possibilties. Fangface just shuddered. Fangface closed his eyes and hoped that Rizkah would show slight pity on him. To wish that was to wish the impossible. One of Rizkah's many nicknames in camp was "The Heartless One", so Fangface could only grin and bear it. Rizkah pondered a bit as she proceeded to drag Fangface towards the shore. Fangface was lucky that Rizkah was feeling a slight pity towards the rats stupidity. Rizkah gently slashed open the snare net and roughly threw Fangface out of the net. Rizkah glared at the rat's sorry form. "You are a lucky one Fangface." Rizkah said quietly to the rat. "I will not kill you, but I shall punish you." Rizkah informed Fangface. Fangface stood up. Rizkah faced out towards the dark water, which was being whipped around viciously in the night time wind storm. "None of the enemies of me shall not be punished! I am Rizkah Akziran, daughter of Gyurikan the Death Bringer! All shall soon tremble at my name! Rizkah the Heartless! Rizkah the Assasin!" Rizkah howled into the wind and wheeled on Fangface, pinning the rat down with her foot paw, tickling his throat with her sword. "I will not kill you, but soon you will wish I had." She hissed at the rat, and picked him up by his feet and carried him upside down to the cells where the slaves were kept. She cruelly threw him inside the same cell as an old looking squirrel. "Say the name of the one who just showed you mercy!" Rizkah roared at Fangface. The rat shuddered. "R-rizkah t-the Hear-rtless! R-r-r-rizkah t-t- the A-a-assas-sin!" Fagface stammered. "More lively now or I will kill you!" Rizkah demanded. "Rizkah the Heartless! Rizkah the Assasin!" Fangface hollered. Rizkah patted his head. "Good little idiot. Maybe you can become my personal slave. Remember this though," Rizkah drew nearer Fangface and whispered into his ear "If you ever even TRY to escape, I will personally rip out your innards and show to your dying face the color of your insides!" Rizkah stalked off regaly to Vercau's tent to recieve her reward. Vercau seemed to be expecting Rizkah. "You have come for your reward?" Vercau asked as soon as Rizkah stepped into his tent. She didnt bother bowing this time. Vercau sighed. "What in Hellsteeth happened out there? I could hear you roaring all the way in here." Vercau asked. Rizkah sat down on the floor. "I made Fangface a slave. I doubt he will try and escape now. I scared the little twit out of his poor stupid mind." Rizkah hissed. She didnt like talking to Vercau very much. Vercau sighed again. Rizkah bristled. She got annoyed when Vercau sighed. He seemed to do it an awful lot. "What do you wish as your reward, my dear?" Vercau implied. Rizkah stood up and stared evenly into Vercau's eyes. "I want to be a leader! Im sick and tired of just being considered a horde member! I could beat my camp leader without even hitting him! Im stuck with nitwits and weaklings! This whole horde is all weaklings! Me and you are the only ones who actually know how to fight and are masters at it! I want to become a Lord, like you and raise my own horde, but I want to actually make some good out of them, make some real assasins and real warriors, not rinkydink ones like we have here. Can you give me permission to leave the troup?" Rizkah asked, almost pleadingly. Vercau kept the evn stare into her eyes. "On some conditions. If you promise to still do some deeds for me, with a reward of course and you promise to help me in any wars. I will also give you 500 gold now so you can start off, and 6 slaves including Fangface. You also have a choice of any 500 horde members you want. Do we have a deal?" Vercau held out his paw. Rizkah shook it and bowed deeply. "Deal! But Vercau...no spys. If I see a spy from your camp, I will personally kill it." Rizkah snarled and went to her tent to spend one last night in her original horde, and the spend a morning of picking out only the best assasins and warriors.