Kauejika Frettchen
Tales of Rizkah: Chapter Two

I have another tale to tell to you about Rizkah, think of it as a chapter, shall we say?
Rizkah woke up very early the next morning, as she knew that only the best hordebeasts woke up early enough. She quickly pulled on her clothing and attached her sword to its belt. The sunlight was refreshingly warm, and Rizkah felt glad that it wasnt raining again. She swiftly headed towards the Fighting Grounds.
About 100 hordebeasts were up, some practicing archerey, some sword fighting, some martial arts and others were praticing slinging. There was also a random scattering of different weapon training like daggers, rapiers, scythes, pikes, whips, and sabres. Rizkah smiled. These were truly the best of the hordebeasts. She was however, a little put down. Now she would need to take 400 idiot hordebeasts and train them well. She almost yowled at the thought of it. Vercau silently creeped up behind Rizkah.
"In know how you feel, Rizkah." Vercau said, hoping to himself that Rizkah would jump. She didnt. "These are the only good ones, m'lord. Now Im stuck with 400 ninnies that I will have to train, and I have nowhere to train them!" Rizkah said angrily. Vercau snickered. "You could always train here if you would like, plus not all the good fighting hordebeasts are early risers. Most wake up around 8am. Thats in about 5 minutes. DO not worry, you will only have about 100 ninnies to train." Vercau said. Rizkah snorted softly. "Thats not exactly comforting, but at least I dont have to train as many. Thank you for your offer, Vercau. I would love to train the idiots here." Rizkah smiled and Vercau laughed.
Vercau and Rizkah waited for a few minutes, and the rest of the good fighting hordebeast woke up and began training. Rizkah marveled over them. Vercau had been right, there were at least 400 good fighters, and of them was Rizkah's brother, Rakir, and the expert poisoner, the pure black stoat Jungar. Rizkah beamed. Vercau walked down the hill and all activity immediately stopped. The hordebeasts bowed. "Attention all of you on Fighting Grounds, and those of you that are going to it! It is important that you listen to me! You are being switched to a different troup! Rizkah-come here girl- is going to be your new tribe leader. Rakir and Jungar, you two shall be the two captains under Rizkah's command! Oh, and you too, Kirak! All of you shall be staying one last month here before you head out, yet you can still take missions from me! You will be following my horde, once you head out that is, but from a good distance. Our tribes will work in somewhat of a coalition! Yet remeber, in your last month here I am still your Lord, yet if Rizkah orders any of you to do something, you jolly well do it! She will be helping you train. By this afternoon, 100 more will join your number as well. I am sure that Rizkah will lead you to treasures beyond your imagination!" Vercau finished dramtically. All the hordebeasts on the Fighting Grounds cheered wildly, waking the rest of the horde. There chanting call rang out across countryside. "Rizkah! Rizkah the Heartless! Killkillkill! Rizkah the Assasin! Killkillkill!"
None of them knew about the wandering Badger nearby that had heard there cries, and was immediately running back towards Redwall.