Kauejika Frettchen
Tales of Rizkah: Chapter Six

Felice rubbed her eyes wearily as she sat down in her large chair. Silverwind gently creeped up behind her. "Whats wrong, Abbess?" she asked gently. Felice smiled weakly. "Its nothing Silverwind...I just wish these vermin would stop running into Redwall Abbey and trying to conquer it. We will have to wait until the morrow to see what they want from us..." Felice stood up carefully and wrapped her arm around Silverwind's shoulder. "Come now, Silverwind. All we can do is wait, so we might as well get some sleep. Some squirrels are out on the walls doing sentry so we dont get a surprise attack in the night." Silverwind and Felice padded up to there bed chambers and went to sleep.
Rizkah and Vercau sat in there tent eating a dinner of roast sparrow and some wine, talking over there plans to conquer the Abbey. "Really Vercau...why is it that you have targeted Redwall?" Rizkah asked curiously. Vercau allowed a small smile to play across his lips. "It has been said that in the Abbey there is a rather precious medallion. This medallion is especially important to me. This medallion is known us the Phoenix Sunfire Medallion. During a war with the vermin horde of Ruggurya the Ratking, one of his Wildcat members was held hostage in the Abbey. This wildcat was the owner of the medallion. He was...my grandfather. The medallion had been past down over many centuries to him, and was to remain being passed down, yet he died while trying to escape the Abbey. He was old then you see, and died of impact when he hit the hard ground. The medallion was later found by a young hedgehog and he took it and loved it and hid it somewhere in the abbey.If the abbey dwelers return my precious medallion, we will stop the siege...after sending in a few assasins to steal plunder and kill the Abbess!" Vercau raised his wine glass,as did Rizkah. They toasted to victory.
Abbess Felice stood patienly on the wall, waiting for Vercau and Rizkah to come and give the terms of surrender. Silverwind, Serah, and Perseus waited silently behind her her, hidden, holding a bow and some arrows. Rae and Tibellom stood beside her. A few minutes later, Vercau and Rizkah gently made ther way out of the trees, followed by 4 muscular looking stoats. "We have come to give the terms of surrender!" Vercau shouted up to the Abbess. "You may speak." she said clearly. Vercau cleared his throat and told the tale of the Phoenix Sunfire Medallion. "If you can present to me the medallion, I shall leave the Abbey in peace. You may try if you wish to to attack and free the woodlands from us, but we shall attack back. Each day that we have no medallion, a volley of arrows shall be shot over your walls, killing any creature that gets hit." Vercau firmly gazed up at Abbess Felice. "You ask for alot, Vercau. Yet if we do find the medallion, we shall give it to you in exchange for peace." with that, Vercau and Rizkah walked back into the cover of Mossflower, while Felice and the others on the wall headed back down to the Abbey lawn. When they reached the lawn, Felice went to seek out Cerise, Vanille, and Yutan to have a conference. Rae winked at Silverwind. "Silverwind, Serah, Perseus, and you too Tibellom, would you come with me please?" Rae asked kindly. All of the creatures obliged and followed Rae into the Gatehouse. Makkenettimo, the mouse recorder, was sleeping in his chair. Rae's loud cough startled him awake. "What huh?" he asked as he nearly fell out of his chair. "Hello, Makken. Did you put aside that one document I asked you to?" Rae asked sweetly. Makkenettimo smiled. "Yes I did my dear. You may also use the Gatehouse as longas you need to to solve the conrapted thing. If you need my help, just send someone to fetch me and I'll be over as fast as my old legs can take me!" Makkenettimo carefully closed the door behind him and headed back towards the main Abbey building. "What do you need us for, Rae?" Serah asked the kindly Badgermum. "I believe that I know of a beast which can help us with our vermin problem...and I also found a puzzle which should lead us to the Phoenix Sunfire Medallion." rae said, her eyes twinkling. Silverwind jumped up. "My Rae! You must surely be a miracle to all of us!" Silverwind said, amazed. rae only smiled. "Now let us begin the solving of this puzzle!" Perseus shouted, unrolling the piece of ancient parchment. "And let us find out about the beast!" serah said pointedly opening up the second scroll, gazing in awe at the picture she witnessed: A large pure black badger
Freaky people out there... I just wanna make an announcment of sorts. there is a wonderful site www.fanfiction.net. There are alot of Redwall stories there, including my Rizkah story, Deeds of an assasin. You might wanna read some.