Before Nightshade

This is a true story about me before I came to Fort Nightshade. I used to live with a group of thieving ferrets. But I ran away to live on my own. I remember clearly my seconed day on my own. I had stopped at a stream to get some water, when I heard a rustleing noise in the bush behind me. I spun around and found myself face-to-face with a squirrel. The squirrel waved a stick at me. "You're a ferret." I sneered. "Of course I'm a ferret." The squirrel glared at me. "I don't like ferrets." I kicked him aside. "Any food?" I asked him. "I'm famished." The squirrel's tail quivered defiantly. "None." I stepped on his paw. "Where might I find some?" The squirrel didn't speak. I whipped out my scimitar. "Tell me!" He finally told me. "Two miles down the river to the right." I smiled. "You could be usefull. Come with me." The squirrel shook his head. I kicked him into the river, muttering, "Some fools never learn." After eight days, I met Darktail, and he took me here, to Fort Nightshade.