The Samilcar and Salvarad Saga Continued

The longboat SeaSwan had her sail stretched tight, yet the Sea Queen was gaining on them steadily. Samilcar shaded his eyes and looked up at the Sea Queen. “It’s no use, Salvarad. It’d be better it we jus’ surrendered.” Salvarad scoffed at the idea. “Surrender? Never, mate, not as long as I live!” Samilcar sighed at Salvarad’s stubbornness. “Well, if ye continue runnin’, y’ won’t be livin’ when they catch up with y’.” Salvarad finally saw what Samilcar meant as he felt the spray from the Sea Queen.

Maska grinned at her first mate. “Lookit, they seem t’ be surrenderin’, eh Scrippy?” Scrippy, as Maska called him, agreed. “Aye, they’re simply stoppin’ there like a lame duck.” Maska grinned at this. One of the crew threw down a line, and boarded the SeaSwan, brandishing a sword. Maska shinned down the rope and landed next to him. She surveyed Salvarad and Samilcar, who returned her cool stare. “So, are ye surrenderin’?” Samilcar laughed and said, “Not until we know who we’re surrendering to.” Maska nodded and answered, “Goldorran, King of the Isles of Alcitiumon and Milmarad.” Samilcar thought, then agreed. “Sounds fair enough t’ me.” Samilcar and Salvarad climbed up the rope after Maska. They looked around the Sea Queen, taking in their surroundings. Maska led them to her cabin where they seated themselves. “So, who are y’ and from where d’ ye spring?” asked Maska. Samilcar answered, “I am Samilcar, and this is my friend, Salvarad. We left our last way of life, and have been traveling ever since.” This was not actually a lie, as it was true. Maska cocked her head at them. Then she shook it. “Well, I’ll believe ye, but still, Goldorran’ll still want to question y’.” Samilcar smiled slyly, “Oh will he?”