Life Story

From what I remember i was born in the quarry. We had to leave because of this gigantic snake. I moved to the moutains where i met skyclaw the hawk. We became friends over the seasons and one day he was gone he said he went back to the quarry. I got very scared i rembered that snake when he killd my family members. A very cold chill went down my back i knew i had to get there before he died. I started running there i got tired and had to stop but i satarted Running again cause skyclaw kept running threw my mind. I HAve to get there before he dies i kept thinking. There before my eyes was the quarry. NOooooooo i screamed there on the ground was a hawk! i ran to it. When i stoped crying i looked it wasn't skyclaw! It mast have been his friend. Caaaa! in the distence i heard a hawk. SSSssssssssssss and a snake. Scyclaw i screamed i ran to the sounds of the sss and caa. When i got there it wasn't very good. Skyclaw cornerd and that stupid snake about to kill him. He kept saying sssssssssssss. SO i had to shut him up. also save skyclaw. SO i pulled out my Long bow and shot atleast 15 arrows they were all stuck in its body. I then ran at it and stabbed it A LOT! The snake was dead. Just to make sure i held my scimitar up high and cut its head off. Skyclaw was very Injerd. I picked him up and ran i heard of this place Fort night shade i had to get there. On my journy there skyclaw was killed. His insperation of Fort nightshade made he get there if it was the last thhing i would do. Also skyclaw said its a wonderful place and he would have wonted me to go there. I saw it in the disctance this Fort I was there Fort nightshade my journey was over i made it!