Silvren Sundark
Rellis' Victory

(This follows the story of the brothers, Rellis and Silvren.I'm going into the minor details now but soon we see the real details, his sword, his gauntlet, his skills and hatred for wolves.) Darksail was on the move. We were heading to Fort Nightshade where I would be staying. The leader was a big Snow Colored wolf known as Snowstar Fleetpaws. I was sitting on the prow as I always did at night watching the black waters ebbing. The beauty was lost on me. I looked at the island in the distance my thoughts only of the tall sneering red fox Rellis Redwave. Damn him. He has haunted my dreams for the two seasons I have been on this ship. Laughing sneering swaggering bastard. I lay back. I am quite tired and I decide to sleep. As my eyes close I see it clearly now. I can see fire! My ship mates lie dead around me! Whats happening? I see crimson armor! Rellis! He is saying. "Seems Vulpuz favors me tonight. I haven't seen you in long time." He is clutching smething, a spear I think. He swings it. Then it all goes black. I am awake now. This vivid. Was it...a vision from the future? I turn around. Oh god... We're being followed. A ship. With large red sails. It is moving very fast. It will only be an hour before it is on us. I feel cold sweat bead on my fur. I have no fear of death but if I die while my enemy still lives... No! I am now screaming. "Captain, Shipmates! Attack! Arm yourselves!" The crew purs from the deck below all armed to the teeth. We wait the hour and then the ship is on us. Our soldiers run forward and ten fall, killed by arrows. A goup pof foxes, armed with broadswords spring onto the ship. Our fighters are being cut to pieces. This is like my ky vision. Then I see him. Dressed in crimson armor. His fangs gleam in the darkness. His green eyes alight wioth battle fire. His pure red fur stained with blood. Rellis Redwave the enemy I have sought for so long. I run at him. The ferret captain Darkeye falls dead at my feet from Rellis's blade. I run at him and bring my blade down. Rellis moves in a blur. His sword blocks my own. Our blades smash agains eachother innumerable times before I break away and swing at his neck. He blocks with his sword and the blade falls to the ground. He dodges away from me and grabs a spear. I am running with my blade held high at him. My only reward in the spear through the chest. I fall looking at the fall in my stomach. There is no pain. I am in shock. I only realise now I am standing at the edge of the ship. Rellis laughes and grins at me. "Hello twin brother." No! No! it cannot be! How? "B-brother." His smile widens "Yes twin brother. Apparantly we share the same parents. The ones you thought were your siblings half siblings. Me? A bastard son of a Marlfox and a seer. You the samr. After we were born. We had the skills and poweer of our Marlfox mother, the sights and wisdom of our seer father. You must have only recently discovered your powers like I have." I try to take this in. I'm...a seer? But this means. No! Oh god no! My father! I...murdered him with my own paws. It can't be true. My brother is tired of talking he raises the spear. His soldiers dump the asrcasses overboard. I'm the only one left alive. My sabre and belt of daggers lie in the sea now. Rellis laughjs and says. "UIt seems Vulpuz favors me tonight. I haven't seen you in a long time." The spear butt hits me between the eyes. I feel faint I am vaguely aware I am falling. I feels the icy cold. The sea! the last thing I hear before unconciousness takes me is my brother screaming. "I HAVE WON!!! DIE IN TORMENT, SILVREN SUNDARK. TELL THE KEEPER OF HELL RELLIS REDWAVE SENT YOU!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!