Skant Bloodfur
Enemies Forever Chapter 1: The Port of Blackfang

((This is the first chapter in my story. I'm thinking of maybe doing a sequel and a prequel to it so if you like it. Keep a lookout for them.))

((Whenever a word has *'s around it. It means that a character is thinking it.))

Enemies Forever Chapter 1:

The Port of Blackfang

The port of Blackfang has always been known as the best in all the land. To the vermin population anyway. To a woodlander it would seem a filthy cesspool of lies, gambling and alcohol....Like I said....the best in the land to a vermin.

The dirty-coloured vixen steps carefully out of her cabin, she smooths the crinkles out of her black pants then rubs her temples ruefully, cursing to herself for drinking too much. As she stretches her paws carefully above her head, she hears the bones in her neck crack and grins to herself.

*Good, that means I’m still alive.*

Her black sea boots thud as she walks across the main deck of her ship, the Seaskimmer. Well, it wasn’t HER ship. But it was soon to be. The old captain, Captain Feddle would be retiring soon and, being First Mate, the responsibility would go to her. She walks to the rail around the deck and leans on it, snarling as her white, cotton shirt gets caught on a splinter. She looks at the sun reflecting off the waves. Then finds her thoughts moving to other issues, mainly about her family. But also about other things, mostly about the Wavediver.

"Strange," she murmurs. Her green and hazel eyes troubled. "Wert don't seem to me to be one to let anybeast get away wid anything."

She was referring to an incident which happened recently. The details are too gory to recall exactly. But the deed had involved several hours, several gallons of water, a length of hose, and the second mate of the Wavediver. Wert, captain of the Wavediver, hadn't seemed too concerned about his second mate. But the vixen could see through his stoic's suit, and she knew that the pine marten was furious.

Her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a childish voice coming from nearby.

"Hoi, Skanny! Are you gonna come ashore or do ya fancy spendin' all yore time aboard that forsaken vessel?!"

The vixen, affectionately known as 'Skanny' to the crew, snorts angrily and walks to the other side of the ship. She leans over the rail, where a young female wildcat, barely out of dibbunhood and clad in a tiny light blue tunic, is standing staring up at her. Her cute, ginger features smiling up at her, her snout crinkled up.

"Maky! Will ye leave me alone?" She hollers down at the wildcat. “I got thinkin' to do! An' wot 'ave I told ye about callin' me Skanny? Me names' Skant!"

Skant grins affectionately down at Maky. It was just half a season ago when the tiny wildcat had been dumped aboard the Seaskimmer. No one knows what happened to Maky's parents. The crew wanted to throw her overboard and when Skant objected, she got stuck with raising the tiny troublemaker. Maky giggled and shinned up a rope hanging from the ships side.

"Oww, don't be stoopid. If'n ye think too much yore ears'll fall off. That's wot Raptail told me! Now cummon! Let's go ashore! Cap'n Feddle says were only stayin at Blackfang for one more season. An' you still haven't shown me around!"

She reaches the deck and grins up at Skant. Her startling, bright blue eyes still smiling.

*As always*, Skant thought.

"Well," Skant shifts nervously, to tell you the truth. She was terrified about talking Maky out. It was dangerous enough for a grown beast to be out wandering Blackfang. She didn't know how a young beast would fare. "I dunno Maky, you might still be a liddle bit too liddle."

Maky flattens her ears against her head in frustration then clings to Skants’ leg.

“Please, please, please, please, please!” She crinkles her snout at Skant and smiles. “’Sides, you promised me!”

Skant sighs, she always was a softie, and Maky looks so cute when she crinkles her snout up. She sighs again and picks Maky up, seating her on her shoulder.

“Alright, you talked me into it! You jus’ go tell the guard that we’re goin’. Ok?” Before she’d even finished, Maky had leapt off her shoulder and off to the lookout post.

Skant runs her paw over the jagged scar running from the base of her skull to her muzzle-tip on the right side of her face.

*Nobeast deserves to have done to them what was done to me. Especially a young ‘un…*

She turns and walks into her cabin. She picks up a blue, gleaming curved sword off her bunk and thrusts it through her black belt. As she does so, she promises to herself protect Maky from harm in any way. Maky will have no damage done to her whilst she’s in this port.

*Or whilst she’s anywhere else…I’ll see to it.*

She turns on the heel of her boot and exits the cabin. Sure enough, Maky was waiting for her, a smile over her adorable face, Skant couldn’t help but smile back as she takes her paw and jumps overboard and onto the rotting jetty. Maky lands lightly beside her, Skant picks her up and sets her onto her shoulders. Maky sits there happily, holding onto her guardians’ ears. Skant takes one long look at the Seaskimmer before walking towards the various taverns and tents that made up the heart of Port Blackfang.