Skant Bloodfur
Enemies Forever Chapter 2: The Mangled Corsair

Enemies Forever Chapter 2:

The Mangled Corsair

It was still early and so hardly anybeast was out. There was no shortage of drunken vermin lying in the path though. Skant actually hated Blackfang, and she hated herself for hating it. It was the good side of her. But then again, it wasn’t too bad. It was the good side of her that had taken Maky in. She took the main paths, knowing the dangers in the alleys. She headed towards a cheap building. A bar called The Mangled Corsair, for it was a favorite for the crew of the Seaskimmer and she didn’t want any trouble.

She reaches the door of the bar and reads the inscription that had been engraved into it:
You are definitely NOT welcome! GET OUT! She chuckles as she sees that and is suddenly reminded of Makys’ presence as she suddenly pulls on her ears,

“Skanny, wot does that say?” Skant grinned up at her and told her.

“Then shouldn’t we leave?” Maky asked. Skant picked her up off her shoulders and set her on the ground.

“Nah, I don’t even think that the owner knows wot it says.” Skant then grabbed Makys’ paw and pushed open the door.

They were greeted by silence, everyone in the bar was of the Seaskimmer and was either asleep or unconscious. Maky giggled and Skant hushed her quickly, she pointed to a large gong-like thing in the far corner and winked at Maky. Maky stared up at her with confusion written on her features, Skant kneeled down and whispered,

“see that big plate? There should be a mallet around ‘ere somewhere. Ya hit the plate wid th’ mallet an’ it booms, really loud. Th’ owner put it in ta wake up the customers. But it looks like we’ll be hittin’ it this morning’!”

She grinned mischievously at Maky and begins to walk carefully over to it. Maky just shrugs and begins to follow. When they reach it, Skant can’t find the mallet so draws her sword. She winks to Maky,

“better block yore ears, matey!” Maky immediately stuffs her paws into her ears and closes her eyes.

“Right. Ready? I’m gonna yell soon, so git ready.”

With that, Skant hits the gong as hard as she can with the flat of her sword. When her ears stop ringing she roars aloud to the befuddled crew,

“Yew ‘orrible bunch o’ seascum! Wot are ye all doin’ layin’ about? There ain’t even a guard. An enemy could come creepin’ in now an’ slay the lot of ye!”

She bites her bottom lip to stop herself from roaring with laughter as the crew of the Seaskimmer stumble pathetically about. Some grabbing weapons and turning to face her menacingly. A handsome, young, black rat clad in a red kilt suddenly realizes who it is and yells back at her,

“Skant, what the ‘ell do yarr think yore doin’? You almost scared th’ lot of us out o’ ten seasons growth!”

Skant smiles sardonically at the steersrat who was known as Raptail to the crew because of the habit he has of tapping his long, thick tail against the ground.

“Oh never ye mind Rappy. I woz jus’ keepin’ you lot on yer paws. An’ besides, what’s this I ‘ear of you tellin’ young Maky that yer don’t think or yore ears’ll drop off?”

Raptail rocks back and forwards on his tail guiltily. His eyes downcast until Maky pokes her head out from behind Skants’ leg. He stares in disbelief for a moment before jumping forward and ruffling the fur on Makys’ head.

“Well, well. If it aint me liddle matey Maky! So ye finally nagged Skant enough for ‘er to take ye out to see th’ sights eh?”

Maky nods furiously, still clinging to Skants’ leg. Skant just sighs before talking,

“She didn’t nag me Raptail. I promised ‘er that I’d take ‘er out.” She replaces her sword back into its’ belt and stands there. Paws akimbo. “’Sides, we’re only gonna be ‘ere one more season.”

Raptail looks slightly shocked. “Wot? Yer mean ye ‘aven’t ‘eard? We’re leavin’ tomorrow, mayhap even sooner. We’re gonna attack a goodbeast castle. Jus’ down th’ coast!” He taps his tail impatiently against the wooden floor, making a dull thudding sound. “I wish tha’ we were leavin’ sooner though. I have kinda gained a bill ‘ere an’ ‘ave a lot of beasts after me blood!”

Skant chuckles humorlessly. It was just like Raptail to owe money. He never was very responsible. She was about to make a snide remark when there was a loud crashing noise from outside, followed by the sound of breaking glass. Sounds of conflict drifted into the bar as a loud, angry voice cuts the air.

“Yer a snotty liddle fool do ya ‘ear me Wert? Yer nuthin more than any o’ us. ‘Cept that yore clothes are prettier an’ ye ‘old yer snout ‘igher in th, air!”