Slide Shifter
Bloodtooth Golden Eye: Chapter One

There was once a black wolf called Bloodtooth Golden Eye. He had a friend named Darkfur Ripeye. They were in the woods when a wildcat came out of the foilage. "Die or fight me unlike the cowards you are!" he snarled. Bloodtooth's friend took up the challenge. "I feel feed your body to the dead spirits!" He drew his saber while the wildcat drew his sword. Darkfur charged and slashed at the wildcat's hind qaurters. His enemy raked his claws across Darkfur's neck, flinging him into an ash tree. He leapt on the wolf's back and stabbed in the back. Darkfur staggered up, leaning and his saber, gasping. But his opposer kicked his blade so he fell face flat. Bloodtooth ran to his friend and turned him over. "The worms will favor him now." The wildcat groomed his whiskers and licked his paws. He made for the foilage, calling over his shoulder,"You better get going for your friend won't want to move." As his enemy disspeared, anger flowed through Bloodtooth's veins. He buryed his friend Darkfur and made a vow to hunt and kill the wildcat. He set through the forest, tears coursing down his face.