Slide Shifter
Curse Vlaw Chapter One

Seascum the rat leaned on the parpet. He was a sentary of Tyrant Curse Vlaw. He leaned forward further and shouted down to a ferret. "Ripnose! What can you see out there?" "Nothing. This flippin' fog is in the w-" the ferret's answer was cut off as an arrow lodged itself in his throat. Seascum yelled. "We are being attacked!" Immediately a line of cloaked figures appeared on the edge of the woods. One stepped out from the line and raised it's arms. "Surrender or the sky shall not be seen and arrows will be pointed at every exit, window and opening of Fort Rhaska of the Normidka Isles. Surrender now!" Sea scum was pushed aside as Curse Vlaw came out onto the battlements. "Never. The son of the Dark Lord shall never surrender." Curse Vlaw ducked as a volley of arrows pased him. The figure flicked it's paw and two cloaked figures came to him, dragging something. "Then die! Your plan never worked. None survives against Kharandor." The two figures dumped thier burden on the ground, a bag, and dumbed the contents out. Curse Vlaw opened his mouth, speechless. "You killed the Blood Drinker!" The form laughed, a cruel evil laugh. "My scouts caught him outside the Fort." The speaker laughed again and disappeared along with his servents. Curse Vlaw turned and yelled at Seascum. "YOU...YOU IDIOT!"