Slide Shifter

Lakora was a weasel. She lived in a small tribe where her father was the captain of the Trusted Guard of the chieften. One night a raiding party of the enemy snuck in and slayed her father and the Trusted guard. When they left they burned the camp and took slaves, one of which her mother. With her brother too yong too fight, she vowed that she would avenge her father and mother for her namessake. Leaving her kid brother under the care of a large family of weasels she left with a friend, a hawk named Storm Wing. She hunted for the enemy, Lord Rathbone, for svseral seasons. Finally in a battle Storm Wing died of an arrow wound. Weeping bitterly Lakora buried him and left, leaving her father's stone as a tolkien. She caught up with the Lord son enough for he was having wars with Riack. He got very tired and went to bed early. That same night Lakora snuck in but as she crouched beside the Lord's tent a guard spotted her. She sprang, burying her dager into his chest and blocked several other guard's swords. She ran through the tents after escaping, leading the guards on a false trail. She quietly went back to the lord's tent but he was awakened by the noises. Rathbone stepped outside his tent to be stopped by Lakora. Hissing she embraced him. "This is for my parents and clan!" And she slew him with a thrust of her dagger.