Slide Shifter
Lakora Two

Lakora turned in fury when a rat guard tripped over in shock when he saw Lord Rathbones dead. "Murderer!" He shrieked. "Lord Rathbones is dead!" And he started running as fast as he could with Lakora after him. But he was stopped by a large weasel. "Just what I was hoping for, Sting Ear. It was time for that old fool to be dead!" The rat stuttered, forgetting about Lakora. "Prince Scathblade! You-you were plotting-". Lakora ran her blade threw the guard's body as Prince Scathblade snickered. "Why thankyou. That Sting was worthless as well. And who, may I ask, are you?" he said, eyes glowing with cruelty. "That's none of your buisness!" snarled Lakora. She growled and leapt on the Prince, snapping jaws straining to get at his throat but was thrown down on the ground when two huge guards grabbed her from the Prince. "Ah, Fertal and Hades. How nice of you to come." But his smile disappeared as Fertal and Hades lowered their hoods. "They are dead and you you be joined them. Uncle Rawback and Uncle Stinge will help you on your way." Rawback and Stinge drew two wicked looking daggers nd approached the Prince who whipped out his long sword. As the traitors , who were the servents of Prince Knife Hound, brother of Prince Scathblade, lunged for Scathblade, Lakora hissed and stabbed Stinge in the back but tripped and fell. Snarling she started but thought before attacking. Then she slithered away. She made her way through the camp easily for most of the vermin were running to help the Prince or observing the death of their fallen Lord. Lakora smiled evilly as she made it to the docks. She slew a guard and lept on a small fishing boat. Two score vermin ran on the pier, shouting for Lakora to stop but she didn't and sailed in the sea.