
when I was in vallugraths clan i had command over the army because i was the ruler of the clan. the armies job was to win other lands and food away from other clans of juska. our clans were small but wars between them were mighty. Me and my army of 45 rats of the clan (our clan was all rats.) were in this field searching the layout of the land. when my scouts reported activity of a rat and army of 60 ferrets. we were outnumbered but my army had better weapons like axes and spears. there army spotted us and formed into a group. We hated ferrets. we consider them to be weak. this enemy rat a traitor of our clan had wanted a tribe of his own and joined the ferrets as theire leader. my force was loyal to me they would commence there death for our clan if it was needed. the eney charged when we chargeds at them. theire force was almost shattered by our attack but regained stability.the battle took 3 hours our armies were shattered i had only 9 left where they only had 10 we were beat but sure enough 90 warriors were waiting to join them and 80 for me. we commenced again the next day. for even a bigger longer battle. I stood on the hill in front of the camp observing the battle. when i saw the line shatter. the enemies line finnally broke and we annihallated all ecept the rat who would be burned on our clan bonfire back where our families were.