Zyneera Roseflame Fireblade
My Story Part Three

I was a little scared when I saw the ship coming, sailing straight for the island where I had spent three seasons of my life. Part of me didn't want to leave, but the other part of me said that I should seize the chance of escaping. That is what I wanted to do. so when the ship anchored on the beach, I hid myself and waited for a chance to sneak on. I don't know exactly why I wanted to sneak on, because I know now that they would have taken me on and given me a cabin of my own if I had asked. . . But anyway. It was aproaching evening, and I saw a large ferret strolling onto the island, followed by about fifteen other crewbeasts. They seemed to be looking for someone. The ferret, whom I guessed was the captain of the ship, turned around to the vixen behind him. "Are you sure she's here?" He snarled. "It has been about three seasons! Nobody could survive on a tiny desert island like this one!" The seer's green eyes flashed back at the captain. "I'm sure." she said. That was all. It seemed as if she did not want to talk to the captain, and she didn't want to obey him. The crew walked off. I had no idea what they were talking about. I waded into the shallows of the sea, and climbed up a rope onto deck. About four rats and some others were sitting in the main cabin playing a gambling game. I snuck below deck and hid in an old closet. I do not know how long I waited, or if I went to sleep, but the next moment the seer opened the door. She did not seem surprised at seeing me there, but said, "Come up above deck." I followed her up, then we went into the main cabin. The captain of the ship was sitting on a seat, taking deep draughts of some seaweed grog. I did not know what to think about any of this, but I realized two things, it was about midnight and we were out on the ocean, with no land in sight. When the captain looked up, his face turned angry, but he said, "Well, well. It's little Zyneera." The Seer stepped forward. "The 'little Zyneera' is now your master, Drastool!" She said loudly, and then spat on the floor to show her anger. Zyneera,I thought to myself, where have I heard that name before? The ferret kept his cool, a smile of amusement forming on his face. "Getting a little angry?" He asked. "As long as I'm here, I'm the captain!" He motioned towards me. "That filthy stoat is not going to take my place, Rubelle!" The seer, Rubelle, held me back from attacking him. "Not now," She whispered. "Very well, cap'n Drastool." She answered pleasantly. But I heard her mutter under her breath, "As long as you're here." She snickered, then knelt in front of me. "M'lady," She said, "I am yours to command." Drastool rolled his eyes, got up from his chair, and kicked Rubelle. Hard. It seemed to me as if he was just about to lift his blade and slash at me, possibly try to kill me, but he changed his mind and looked back at one of the rats. "Diringe," He said, "Take this little princess and find her a room of her own." The searat obeyed, and led me to a small but cosy little room. It did not seem that bad. I lay down on the bunk and fell asleep. "Zyneera!" It was Rubelle. "Wake up! Drastool is about to kill you." I was not even sure why she thought I was her master, but I got out of bed, because I believed that the evil ferret would kill me. -to be continued-