Writing Contest #2 - Write about the first weapon that you ever had and how you got it. If someone gave it to you, who was it?
By Vaikasa Darkpaw

By Flameblood Quickblade

They say strange things happen up in the northlands - there, folk tell of grim specters that haunt the earth, of cannibal beasts that eat their flesh raw. Such tales make grownbeasts shudder.
But tales are tales, and to the warrior there is no truth in them. They are but tales, conjured up by the mind when it is in a state of delusion.
I first heard of the northlands when I was but a youngbeast. They were typical stories - "Listen to your elders, or the Raukafolk that eat their flesh raw will come, and what happens then I dare not tell ye!"
When I grew older, I ventured to seek out these Raukatribes. I had my wits and my cunning, so what did a young one like I care? I hadn't any weapons, but that didn't matter. I felt sure I could defeat whatever barbarian came upon me.
I traveled north, finally coming upon a pole, which I decided to use as a makeshift staff. Before long I came upon the mighty force of barbarians - the Rauka!
Their rules were simple. Defeat the leader, and they would give me his weapon and I could safely pass. If he defeated me, I would die.
Anybeast that reads this must remember, I was young, headstrong, and - now I must admit - foolish. I snorted impudently and waved a paw, challenging the leader to bring it on. I now know that was a stupid risk I took, but I realize it was partially for my own good.
The leader smiled and spoke in the strange northland speech - not so unique from the Painted Ones' speech.
"Karrakkacha! D'weaselbeast, he fight Highbeaster! You, youdie thisanight!" He then spread his paws and called, "Harrakkachokka! Bring d'seablade! Seablade seablade seablade!"
It was a fencing saber, and as I looked around and saw the other Rauka only wielding stone axes, I knew the blade came from some unfortunate beast unlucky enough to lose to the Rauka leader. Myself...I too was unlucky. Whoever heard of a beast defeating another armed with a simple staff? I went into a fighter's crouch and circled the leader, looking for a weak spot.
Fortunately for me, the leader was unused to the blade and did not attack by strategy. He rushed me, sword waving in all directions. I sidestepped him and struck him on the neck. He stopped short and charged me again. I dodged once more, and,as he passed, cracked his back with one blow. He gasped and dropped down onto the cold ground. I grabbed the sword and swung, neatly decapitating him with one blow. I spun around, waiting for the Raukabeasts to attack, dripping saber in paw. They did not. A chilling cry came from all directions:
"Raukaaaaaaaaaaa! Raukadoooooown!" I wiped my new weapon on the leader's headless body and left.
As soon as I was back in the warm southlands, I glanced at the blade. It was a plain weapon, but with a sapphire set into the pommel, and two tiny blue diamonds on the crosshilt. When sunlight glanced off of it, the blade gave off a blue tinge. I named it Lan Loong, "blue dragon," in a language I knew long ago. I realize now that ignorance was my only weapon. Had I known what I now know, I would never have gained my fencing saber... The Rauka leader, Raukachief, was my father.
By Flameblood Quickblade