Writing Contest #3 - Write about your name. How did you get it? Why did you choose it? Or why was it chosen for you? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? Why?
By Rosebell Slashblade

Me, Myself.. And My Name Too
By Chyarga Renmate

It's hard to say how I got my name without going deep down into my past, which I don't want to do because frankly **she shrugs** I can't be bothered. **She winks**. But, it isn't very complicated.

I come from the Far South, deep down where it gets extremely cold. There is a whole different language, to what everyone speaks here. That's what my name is in, the first part anyway. I was brought up in a military camp so we only had these weird code name like things that gave a small amount of personality away.

When I was born I was the odd one out for two reasons, one was because I'm a girl and the other was because I'm grey. They seemed to scim over my gender so they never involved it in my name. To get to the point (finally) it means Grey Viper. Don't ask me why, at least I didn't end up like one of my friends. He was called Marsh Tooth **she sniggers**. I don't really like my first name when people know what it means, though it does suit me I guess. I prefer to be called Chy, if I'm working with males for a long time they tend to try to forget I'm female and call me Arga. I hate that even more ^_~

I never had a last name till I was about 16, it was then I left the army and joined a group of mercenaries. I had a great time with them and they suggested that I choose a last name, I'm not very creative with words.. exactly.. so I spent forever trying to think of one.

In the end we sat round the camp fire after a raid on a village and one of my friends went "You know what you are Chy? You're a man-eater". I guess it works on two levels cause I'm known for biting my vic.. subjects ^_^. One of us was good with books, he picked up a stick and wrote "maneater" in the dust and started re-arranging the letters and mixing them up. We got bored and just ignored him for a while. But he suddenly sat up and said "Chy, I've got your name. It's Renmate, man-eater all muddled up". Everyone laughed and that's basically it.

I wish I had some fancy story to tell about how I caught an arrow at birth or saved a family of four from a forest fire but.. meh **she shrugs** This is me ^_^
By Chyarga Rennmate